Search for Aggregated Data Files from Canadian Censuses
The only mandatory field is to limit a search by the census form used. If no other fields are entered, the search will return all results for all censuses recorded in the database.
Which year of census data are you looking for?
1961 Census of Population
1966 Census of Population
1971 Census of Population
1976 Census of Population
1981 Census of Population
1986 Census of Population
1991 Census of Population
1996 Census of Population
2001 Census of Population
2006 Census of Population
2011 Census of Population
2011 National Household Survey
Do you want long or short form data?
Both Short 2A and Long 2B
Long 2B
Short 2A
Short 2A and Long 2B
Single form
Limit to a geographic level?
You may limit your results to particular geographic levels using either standard abbreviations or the full term (e.g., CT, Census Agglomeraton). Please use the singular form (e.g., census tract rather than census tracts).
Text to search for in title or contents?
Limit results to files for which locations are known?
a href http dc chass utoronto ca census 1981 index html target new University of Toronto CHASS Census Analyzer a by a href http dc1 chass utoronto ca census subscribers html subscription a HTML ASCII CSV SAS SPSS combines cumulative long and short
a href http dc1 chass utoronto ca census 1961 ct html target new University of Toronto CHASS Census Analyzer a by a href http dc1 chass utoronto ca census subscribers html subscription a HTML ASCII CSV SAS SPSS
a href http dc1 chass utoronto ca census 1971 ct html target new University of Toronto CHASS Census Analyzer a by a href http dc1 chass utoronto ca census subscribers html subscription a HTML ASCII CSV SAS SPSS
a href http equinox uwo ca docfiles censusproject 1986 profiles eng86csd2brcl pdf Record layout a
a href https mdl library utoronto ca collections numeric data census canada 1961 statistics University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a
a href https mdl library utoronto ca collections numeric data census canada 1966 statistics University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a
a href https mdl library utoronto ca collections numeric data census canada 1971 statistics user summary tapes University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a
DLI EFT site highlight tables age and sex
DLI EFT site highlight tables population and dwelling count
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1971 A1DEM002
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1971 A2ECN001
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1971 B2DEMB02 CT
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1971 USTINDOCC
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1971 USTLONDON
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 BST DMA01
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 CF86A03 CSD
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 CF86A03 EA
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 DW86A01
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 EC86B04
Equinox ASCII data with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1986 IN86B04
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 SDD81B40
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 SDE81B21 CENCAN1981 SDE81B22 CENCAN1981 SDE81B23 CENCAN1981 SDE81B24
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTCTDA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTCTHA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEACB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEACB20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEACB30
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEADA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEADA20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEADB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB30
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB40
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB50
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAEB60
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAFA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAFA20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAHA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAHA20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAHB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAWA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAWB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAYB10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAYB20
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAYB30
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTEAYB40
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTLONDON London Ontario only
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTSDEB60
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTSDPA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTSPHA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards CENCAN1981 USTTRPA10
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards Ontario data only CENCAN1961 FAM
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards Ontario data only CENCAN1961 LFF
Equinox ASCII with SAS SPSS Stata control cards Ontario data only CENCAN1981 USTEACA10
None known Aucun connu
odesi a href http odesi2 scholarsportal info webview index jsp object http 80 2Fobj 2FfStudy 2Fcen E 1981 ea mode documentation v 2 top yes target new by Nesstar subscription SPSS Stata dBase ASCII SAS
odesi a href http odesi2 scholarsportal info webview index jsp object http 80 2Fobj 2FfStudy 2Fcen e 1981 eab mode documentation v 2 top yes target new by Nesstar subscription SPSS Stata dBase ASCII SAS
Pending En attente
Pending En suspens
PWestern CD DRLData067 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 67 ASCII
Returned to Statistics Canada DLI collection by UWO
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a20dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct a20fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b10indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b20cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b20dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b20ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b20fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b20indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b30dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b30ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b30fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b30indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b40dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b40ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b40fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b40indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b50ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b50indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b60ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b60indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b70ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b70indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b80ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census subdivision data c1981bst ct b90ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract da a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b10 zip SPSS system file a ta c1981bst ct b10indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10dmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10dwdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a10hhdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct a20fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10cldat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10ecdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b13dwdat gz Table CTW81B13 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b20indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b25hhdat gz Table CTH81B25 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b28hhdat gz Table CTH81B28 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b30dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b30ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b30ecdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b30fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b30indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b36ecdat gz Table CTE81B36 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b40dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b40ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b40fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b40indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b50dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b50indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 census tract data c1981bst ct b60indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10cldat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10dmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10fmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a20dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a20dmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea a20hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10cldat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10hhdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b10indat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b20cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b20ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b20fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b20indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b20indat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b30cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b30ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b30fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b30indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b30indat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b40ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b40fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b40indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b40indat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b50ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b50ecdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b50fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b60ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b60fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b70fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b70fmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data c1981bst ea b80fmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 enumeration area data eaecob10 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp a10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp a10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp a10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp a20cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10dmdat zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10hhdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b10indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b13dmdat gz Table SPD81B13 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b20cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b20dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b20dwdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b20ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b20indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b22dmdat gz Table SPD81B22 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b30cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b30dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b30ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b30indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b40cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b40dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b40ecdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b40indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b50cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b50dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b50indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b52dmdat gz Table SPD81B52 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b60cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b60dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b60indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b62indat gz Table SPY81B62 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b70cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b70dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b70indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b76cldat gz Table SPC81B76 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b80cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b80dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b80indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b84indat gz Table SPY81B84 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b90cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b90dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b90indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b94cldat gz Table SPC81B94 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp b95indat gz Table SPY81B95 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba0cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba0dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba2cldat gz Table SPC81BA2 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba2cldat gz Table SPC81BB2 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp ba5indat gz Table SPY81BA5 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bb0cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bb0dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bb0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bb2dmdat gz Table SPD81BB2 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bc0cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bc0dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bc0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bd0cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bd0dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bd0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bd2indat gz Table SPY81BD2 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp be0cldat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp be0dmdat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp be0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bf0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bf3indat gz Table SPY81BF3 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bg0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bh0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bi0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bj0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bk0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bl0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bl5indat gz Table SPY81BL5 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bm0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bm5indat gz Table SPY81BM5 only
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bn0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bo0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bp0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp bq0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 bst 1981 special series data c1981bst sp br0indat gz
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 pow 1981 pow81ct1 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 pow 1981 pow81sd1 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 profile 1981 eap81b10 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 profile 1981 sdp81a10 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 profile 1981 sdp81b10 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 profile 1981 trp81a10 zip
StatCan EFT ASCII MAD DLI Root census pop recens 1981 profile 1981 trp81b10 zip
Statistics Canada DLI EFT site
Statistics Canada DLI EFT site ASCII with bilingual PDF record layout
Statistics Canada DLI EFT site ASCII with French and English PDF record layouts
Statistics Canada DLI EFT site ASCII zoned decimal cen61 zoned2 dat zip do not use census1961 sps from this site if it does not use zoned decimal notation Z as it will not read the zoned decimal data properly
U of T only a href http myaccess library utoronto ca login url http data library utoronto ca dataut cc76 bsts cma ctdema10 csv target new CMA CA level data a
University of Alberta CD 4703
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctc81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctc81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctc81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81b40 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctd81b50 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cte81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cte81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctf81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctf81a20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctf81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cth81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cth81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cth81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctw81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctw81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct ctw81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b50 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b60 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub cc81 bsts ct cty81b70 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdc81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdc81b10 zip SPSS system file a a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdc81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdd81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdd81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdd81b30 zip SPSS system file a a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdd81b40 zip SPSS system file a a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b50 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b60 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b80 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sde81b90 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81a20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdf81b40 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdh81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdh81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdw81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdw81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b40 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b50 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b60 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts csd v2 sdy81b70 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eac81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eac81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eac81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eac81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 ead81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 ead81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eae81b30 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eae81b50 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaf81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaf81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaf81b20 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaf81b60 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaf81b70 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eah81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eah81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaw81a10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eaw81b10 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service ASCII with SAS SPSS control cards a href http data library utoronto ca datapub codebooks c cc81 bsts ea v2 eay81b40 zip SPSS system file a
University of Toronto Data Library Service SPSS control cards for Tables B21 to B29
University of Toronto Data Service
University of Wallabaloo
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eadema10 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eadema20 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eademb10 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eadhha10 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eaecob10 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eaecob20 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eaecob30 dat
University of Western Ontario ASCII London Ontario only CD DRLData013 TP5344 Eafama10 dat
UofT CSV versions of CT level 7 files and CSD level 7 files restricted access
UofT Geographic identifier variables TXT Record Layout PDF Geog header TXT
UofT Geographic identifier variables TXT Record Layout PDF Record Layout TXT Data and Syntax Files SPSS Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout PDF Data Restricted Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout PDF Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout PDF Geog header TXT Data SPSS
UofT Record Layout PDF Geog header TXT Syntax SPSS
UofT Record Layout PDF Geog header TXT Syntax SPSS Data SPSS
UofT Record Layout PDF Syntax SPSS Data SPSS Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout PDF TXT Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout PDF TXT Syntax SPSS Data SPSS Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout TXT
UofT Record Layout TXT Data ASCII Data SPSS Syntax SAS
UofT Record Layout TXT Data ASCII SPSS Syntax SAS
UofT Record Layout TXT Data SPSS ASCII Syntax SAS
UofT Record Layout TXT Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout TXT PDF Data Restricted Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout TXT PDF Geog header TXT
UofT Record Layout TXT PDF Geog header TXT Data SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT PDF Geog header TXT Syntax SPSS Data SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax File SAS SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax Files SAS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax Files SAS SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax SAS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax SAS Data ASCII SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax SAS SPSS
UofT Record Layout TXT Syntax SPSS SAS
Western ASCII
Western ASCII data
Western ASCII data CD DRLData013 TP5344
Western ASCII data CD DRLData013 TP5344 DRLData016 TP7746
Western ASCII data CD DRLData013 TP5344 DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ct DRLData170 1971census DRLData019 TP7309 DRLData013 TP8578
Western ASCII data CD DRLData013 TP8578
Western ASCII data CD DRLData019 TP7309 DRLData044 TP8577
Western ASCII data CD DRLData019 TP7309 DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ea DRLData013 TP8578
Western ASCII data CD DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ct
Western ASCII data CD DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ea
Western ASCII data CD DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ea DRLData220DVD 1971 Census a1dem002 DRLData019 TP7309
Western ASCII data CD DRLData087 1971census place of work
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1971 DRLData016 TP7746
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b1a dat
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b1b dat
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b20 dat
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b30 dat
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b40 dat
Western ASCII data CD DRLData194 1981 Census Native cdn81b50 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b2a dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b3a dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b3b dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b3c dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b40 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b50 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b6a dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b70 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b8a dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b8b dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81b90 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81ba0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bb0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bc0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bd0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81be0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bf0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bg0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bh0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bi0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bj0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bk0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bl0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bLong 2b dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bm0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bn0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bo0 dat
Western ASCII Data CD DRLData194 1981 census Native sdn81bp0 dat
Western ASCII data Montreal Quebec only CD DRLData087 1971census place of work
Western ASCII HoldingsInfo CD DRLData087 1971census basic summary tabs ct
Western ASCII Ontario data only CD DRLData013 TP5344
Western CD DRLData003 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 3 ASCII
Western CD DRLData003 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 3 ASCII spss sas
Western CD DRLData004 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 4 ASCII
Western CD DRLData012 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 12 ASCII SPSS
Western CD DRLData014 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 14 ASCII SAS SPSS
Western CD DRLData014 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 14 ASCII SPSS
Western CD DRLData015 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 15 ASCII
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 ASCII
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 ASCII SAS English French SPSS English French
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 ASCII SAS French SPSS English French
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 ASCII SPSS English French SAS French
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 ASCII SPSS French
Western CD DRLData017 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 17 SAS English French SPSS English French
Western CD DRLData018 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 18 ASCII
Western CD DRLData018 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 18 ASCII SAS SPSS
Western CD DRLData022 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 22 ASCII
Western CD DRLData022 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 22 ASCII SAS SPSS
Western CD DRLData067 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 67 ASCII
Western CD DRLData075 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 75 ASCII
Western CD DRLData075 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 75 ASCII SPSS
Western CD DRLData082 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 82 ASCII SPSS
Western CD DRLData100 MDC Diskgear DrldataA bay 100 ASCII SPSS
Western CD DRLData113 MDC Diskgear DrldataB bay 113 ASCII
Western CD DRLData113 MDC Diskgear DrldataB bay 113 ASCII SPSS